This page is dedicated to providing examples of how to mark up mathematics on this page. The idea is to simply list useful examples that people can cut/paste/modify.
One might be interested in an in-line equation like the following, , which of course is the fundamental theorem of calculus. Alternatively, one might like to see it displayed on its own line like so:
Words can of course be written in bold or italicized or external [links] can be provided. For a good overview of basic formatting try [here].
For help with math formatting, the following [page] seems particularly useful, since it shows how to display a lot of standard math effects, including some crazy ones like the following:
One thing that is probably important is the formatting for theorems and definitions. I strongly feel that they should abide by a consistent format, but the precise format can be decided upon at a later date. Here is one proposal.
Theorem (fundamental theorem of calculus)
Let be a non-empty open interval, and suppose is a continuously differentiable function. Then for each satisfying , we have