Scale calculus problems

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Scale calculus was developed to make reparametrization actions on function spaces smooth. All the key issues and ideas can already be seen at the example of S^{1}=\mathbb{R} /\mathbb{Z } acting on a space of nonconstant functions on S^{1}, for example the shift action

\sigma :S^{1}\times {\mathcal  {C}}_{{{\rm {id}}}}^{1}\;\to \;{\mathcal  {C}}_{{{\rm {id}}}}^{1},\quad (\tau ,u)\mapsto u(\tau +\cdot )

{\text{on}}\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad {\mathcal  {C}}_{{{\rm {id}}}}^{1}:=\{u:S^{1}\to S^{1}\;|\;u\in {\mathcal  {C}}^{1}\;{\text{and homotopic to the identity}}\}.\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad .

The purpose of the following exercises is to give the quotient of S^1-valued functions homotopic to the identity, modulo reparametrization by shifts, {\mathcal  {B}}:={\mathcal  {C}}_{{{\rm {id}}}}^{1}/S^{1} the structure of a scale-smooth manifold ... and to see that classical Banach space topologies fail at giving it a differentiable Banach manifold structure.

differentiability of shift map

Compute the directional derivatives of the shift map \sigma , first at (\tau ,u)=(0,0), then at (\tau ,u)\in S^{1}\times {\mathcal  {C}}_{{{\rm {id}}}}^{2}.

Next, understand how to identify T{\mathcal  {C}}_{{{\rm {id}}}}^{1}\simeq {\mathcal  {C}}^{1}(S^{1},\mathbb{R} ), and write down a conjectural formula for the differential d\sigma :\mathbb{R} \times {\mathcal  {C}}^{1}(S^{1},\mathbb{R} )\to {\mathcal  {C}}^{1}(S^{1},\mathbb{R} ).

Then recall the definition of differentiability in terms of uniform linear approximation and see whether it can be satisfied at any base point (\tau ,u).


local charts

Verify that {\mathcal  {B}} has local Banach manifold charts modeled on E:=\{\xi \in {\mathcal  {C}}^{1}(S^{1},\mathbb{R} )\,|\,\xi (0)=0\}. To set up a chart near a given point, pick a representative [u_{0}]\in {\mathcal  {B}} with {\dot  u}_{0}(0)\neq 0 and consider

Failed to parse (syntax error): \phi_{u_0}: \{\xi\in E\,|\, \|\xi\|_{\mathcal{C}^1<\epsilon \} \to \mathcal{B} , \qquad \xi \mapsto [u_0+\xi] .


transition maps

For [u_{0}]=[u_{1}]\in {\mathcal  {B}} with representatives u_{0}\neq u_{1} but {\dot  u}_{i}(0)\neq 0 determine the transition map \phi _{{u_{1}}}^{{-1}}\circ \phi _{{u_{0}}}.

Then find an example of a point and direction in which this transition map is not differentiable.


alternative Banach norms


Show that the shift action \sigma of #homework 7 is a scale-smooth map by the following steps:

a) find a scale-Banach space {\mathcal  C}=(C_{\ell })_{{\ell \geq 1}} with C_{1}=C^{1}(S^{1},{\mathbb  R}^{2})

b) show that \sigma :S^{1}\times {\mathcal  C}\to {\mathcal  C} is sc^{1} and calculate T\sigma

c) iteratively show that \sigma is sc^{k} for all k

Note: The actual map in #homework 7 is a restriction of this map here to a submanifold of {\mathcal  C} (taking values in S^{1}, of fixed degree).