Scale calculus problems
Scale calculus was developed to make reparametrization actions on function spaces smooth. All the key issues and ideas can already be seen at the example of acting on a space of nonconstant functions on , for example the shift action
The purpose of the following exercises is to give the quotient of S^1-valued functions homotopic to the identity, modulo reparametrization by shifts, the structure of a scale-smooth manifold ... and to see that classical Banach space topologies fail at giving it a differentiable Banach manifold structure.
differentiability of shift map
Compute the directional derivatives of the shift map , first at , then at .
Next, understand how to identify , and write down a conjectural formula for the differential .
Then recall the definition of differentiability in terms of uniform linear approximation and see whether it can be satisfied at any base point .
local charts
Verify that has local Banach manifold charts modeled on . To set up a chart near a given point, pick a representative with and consider
Failed to parse (syntax error): \phi_{u_0}: \{\xi\in E\,|\, \|\xi\|_{\mathcal{C}^1<\epsilon \} \to \mathcal{B} , \qquad \xi \mapsto [u_0+\xi] .
transition maps
For with representatives but determine the transition map .
Then find an example of a point and direction in which this transition map is not differentiable.
alternative Banach norms
Show that the shift action of #homework 7 is a scale-smooth map by the following steps:
a) find a scale-Banach space with
b) show that is and calculate
c) iteratively show that is for all k
Note: The actual map in #homework 7 is a restriction of this map here to a submanifold of (taking values in , of fixed degree).